Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Temple

We went to the Birmingham Alabama temple Saturday for my brothers Endowment. It was awesome. I always love the feeling of love and peace you can get by attending the temple. It seems as though life's annoyances have taken a slight back-burner and the simplicity of life has returned.

My brother will be going on a mission for our church to Ogden Utah. I am way excited for him because I served in the Tennessee Nashville Mission (southern speaking). I would say that my mission is what made me a man (or should I say Mann). I am so grateful for the countless lessons I learned about myself, about God, about others; it totally changed my life. It taught me to be more patient, more loving, and more understanding. I am anxious to see what changes it will bring in Brad's life.

Well, tonight will be a short entry because I have school tomorrow (and it's 11:15 pm).
Goodnight Neverland.